Monday, June 6, 2011

June's Shoe Post: Flip Flops

So this is a big question that is out there.  Are flip flops a fashion faux pa?  Where can I where them?  When can I wear them?  So here are some simple rules of how to do flip flops if you do them at all.

Swim wear- They are great for the beach.  They are easy to take on and off and since swim wear is super casual anyway, they are okay there.

Mom Play Date-  They are fine to have on when you are just going to a good friends house to have the kids play.  

Yep thats about it.  There are some definite no no's when it comes to flip flops.  

Platform-  These are awful!  They are never okay.  Don't ever wear them not now, not at the beach nothing.  They do nothing for your legs and only bulk the look up.  Don't do it.  If you have some chuck them.  (I love how they put these hideous shoes on rocks with a flower behind it to try to make them look cuter.  DIDN'T WORK!)

Plastic-  Unless you are doing one of the things above you should never wear these. They are hideous.  So if you do need them for the beach then you only need one pair, not one in every color.   This picture depicts exactly how I feel about flip flops.  Shlumpy, old, and lazy.

If you are going to get some flip flops for the two options above there are some great cute choices out there.  Spend more that the Old Navy 1 dollar and only buy one pair that is cute and will last longer.

 And you might think, "I can't war those to the beach!"  I beg to differ.  I do it all the time.   When all else fails, dress up a little.  It makes everything seem a little better.  When you look good you feel good.

"I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick." Audrey Hepburn

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I'm sure you're right but I still wear them a lot more than you advocate!

BTW, I am loving all of the little things you sent. IT's funny how happy a cute pad of paper can make you.

Also, poor little Jack (from the horse post). Is he afraid of horses now?

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